. is neither affiliated with nor endorsed by the Clearfield Area School District.
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Directions to Punxsutawney High School ~
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Directions to Punxsutawney High School ~ Google Map HERE
Driving Directions to Punxsutawney Area High School
500 North Findley Street, Punxsutawney PA 15767
Find your way to Punxs’y, either by traveling 322, 410 & 119 through Rockton,
Luthersburg and Big Run or by way of Curwensville, Grampian & McGee’s Mills
on 879, 219 & 36. If you go through Big Run you’ll enter town by passing the
Sheetz and Wendy’s; via Mc Gee’s Mills you’ll pass the Chevy/Buick dealer.
Either way, shortly after you’ve spied these landmarks you’ll find yourself in
downtown Punxs’y where 119 and 36 intersect at the bridge.
From this intersection follow 119 South 3 blocks to the Mc Donald’s
and turn right onto N. Findley St and to the High School on the right
at the top of the hill opposite the State Police barracks.
From Mc Donald’s to the school is a little under ¾ mile.
The overall trip is about 35 miles and should take between
45 minutes to an hour.